About Me

Koo Ping Shung is a renowned author on the subject of "Sun Tzu Art of War" and other related Ancient Chinese Literary Works on Military Strategy and Chinese History. Ping Shung's passion in particular is in the exposition of Practical Business Applications gleaned from his vast and in-depth understanding of the applicability of such Ancient Chinese Literary Works to modern day Businesses, Entrepreneurs & Businessmen, and People in the Corporate Hierarchy. To date, he has written on many topics including Strategy Formulation & Execution, and Corporate Leadership. Read more on Ping Shung's sharings on the Famous Quotes of Sun Tzu by clicking on "Sun Tzu Quotes". He has also been reading about managing personal finance and investments since 2002 He is familiar with the personal finance landscape in Singapore.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Book Review - Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich (Robert T. Kiyosaki)

Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich (Robert T. Kiyosaki) is the new book from the Rich Dad franchise. Being a great fan of reading (but yet to take action) Rich Dad's series of book, I rushed to the bookstore to grab it the minute it is available and devour it within 1 week.

This book is seriously attention grabbing and what makes this book so special is the points made inside the book was something that I have studied in the university. I did not know that I was studying about the conspiracy at all.

Basically the book is pointing to a certain trend that most people should pay attention to especially poor and middle class. The 'reckless' printing of US dollars is going to bring us to an age of high inflation definitely, and I say this with confidence because I have studied it. Unless the US government do something about it which I seriously doubt so, not because they do not want to but circumstances does not allow.

How to be prepared for the trend? The concrete steps are not inside as usual for Rich Dad's book, but in the book it share the new world order that is already here in the world of money and to profit from it you need to follow the rules. And these rules are

1) Money is knowledge
2) Learn how to use debt
3) Learn to Control Cashflow
4) Prepare for Bad times and you will only know Good times
5) The need for speed
6) Learn the Language of Money
7) Life is a team sport. Choose your team carefully.
8) Since money is becoming worth-less and less, Learn to Print your own

In the book, I came to know many facts about the Federal Reserve of US and some of them are shocking indeed for instance, the Federal Reserve is set up by a group of private bankers. Its origin starts from a meeting in Jekyll Island (sounds scary right?)

Still not enough information to make you buy the book? Well inside the book, Robert shared what needs to be learnt in order to increase your financial literacy. Warning: They sound simple but skills needed to be learnt in order to learn these lessons.

I give this book 5 stars out of 5 and I strongly recommend it to everyone to read it and I suggest you read it fast and take immediate action.